An Analysis of Lelakaq as An Old Literary Work in Indonesia, Lombok.



Indonesia, which is one of the broadest countries in the world, has a great number of tribes within it. Each tribe, differently, has its own characteristic that makes Indonesia has prosperous cultures. Specifically, in Lombok, an island included to Indonesia, the tribe is named Sasak. One of cultures as an inheritance given by the ancestor of Sasak is called Lelakaq, which is kind of literary work made by the ancestor of Sasak. Given to Lelakaq, it is a traditional expression similar to traditional poetry consisting of four lines; the first two lines are the couplets and the rests (second two lines) are the contents. To be noted, poetry and traditional poetry are however different, in which poetry is not associated with lines, does not have couplet (all lines are the contents), and does not consider the rhyme (particularly the modern poetry). Meanwhile, traditional poetry (Lelakaq) is the other way around. Moreover, Lelakaq (Traditional Poetry), usually, is used in Sasak traditional ceremony and is one of the cultures which aim is to communicate or express the thought of society. Lelakaq, which extends around society from day to day, is one of the effective media in term of spreading value of kindness to Sasak society.
Furthermore, there are quite lot of kinds of Lelakaq in sasak depending on the content of the Lelakaq itself. This paper, however, focuses on several kinds of Lelakaq by considering that the kinds of Lelakaq that are going to be discussed already represent the thought of society in their daily lives. Thus, the kinds of Lelakaq that this paper concerns with consist of such Lelakaq as nasehat which content deals with advice generally, Lelakaq anak-anak in which the function of the content is to entertain children, Lelakaq bebajangan whose content function is to entertain adult, and lelakaq agama, which content talks about religion.  In creating Lelakaq, Sasak society thought is influenced by experience through out in the daily interaction around the environing world, such as the things related to other human beings, God, and other kinds of environment. Commonly, Sasak society use Lelakaq to express the issues and the view of life due to it is an interesting way to convey the message. Besides, Lelakaq can be used as the holder and the assessor of Sasak society attitude that create life aptitude into God, human and the surrounding environment.
Referring to the purpose of this paper, it is aimed at analyzing Lelakaq Sasak by taking into account the definition of each Lelakaq, the elements, and the content, which is related to the message that is going to be conveyed to the readers and/or listeners. Moreover, this paper is also intended to help the reader or listener to know more about Lelakaq Sasak considering nowadays, this kind of literary work is almost disappear and forgotten by today society of Sasak.


This section is regarded to present the data collection of Lelakaq Sasak. In analyzing the Lelakaq Sasak, it is classified into four main categories. The first category is Lelakaq Nasihat, secondly is Lelakaq Anak-anak, followed by Lelakaq Bebajangan, and the fourth category, which is the last one, is Lelakaq Agama. In presenting the result of the analysis, each Lelakaq is examined by relying on its each definition, element, and the content of the Lelakaq itself. The followings are the lists of Lelakaq that are going to be analyzed:
·      Lelakaq Nasihat (Advice):
Kelaq manis daun kentujur
Manggis kataq araq sepempang
Apen tangis leq dalem kubur
Tangis awak saq endek uah sembahyang
·      Lelakaq Anak-anak (Children):
Bau paku leq sedin oloh
Jari kandoq mangan tengari
Pacu-pacu pade sekolah
Jari sango lemaq mudi
·      Lelakaq Bebajangan (Adult):
Talet bunge ariq leq bawaq bile
Taliq paku ariq siq penyalin
Munne mene ariq siq idap rase
Sarian aku bae ariq siq tekawin
·      Lelakaq Agama (Religion):
Bubut kerete dese lenek
Anak gagak kembang sandat
Idup mate urusan nenek
Endak lupak bace syahadat

In this section, the discussion is associated with the analysis of Lelakaq Sasak. Hence, the analysis involves the forms, elements, and the contents of Lelakaq related to the message that is intended to convey. Lelakaq sasak, generally, is provided with rhyme of a-b-a-b, in which the first line has the same rhyme as the third one and the second line has the same rhyme as the fourth one. Furthermore, the first two lines are called couplet (sampiran) and the second two lines are called content (isi). Regarding the rhythm of Lelakaq Sasak, it does not have any stressing intonation while it is being read. Thus, the followings are the analysis of each kind of Lelakaq:
·      Lelakaq Nasihat
To be reviewed, Lelakaq nasihat is a kind of Lelakaq which content consists of advice to the reader or listener. The kind of Lelakaq nasihat is commonly spoken by old people (such as parents) of Sasak. The Lelakaq Nasihat is as follow:
Kelaq manis daun kentujur
Manggis kataq araq sepempang
Ape tangis leq dalem kubur
Tangis awak saq endek uah sembahyang
Dealing with the data of Lelakaq Nasihat above, the diction or the word choice does not belong to words categorized as a noble word. In other word, the choice of words can be understood by all people in Sasak communities. The content of the kind of Lelakaq Nasihat above refers to the remembrance for people to not forget doing the obligation as a Moslem. Therefore, once the death comes, there is no remorse in the grave.

·      Lelakaq Anak-anak
Lelakaq Anak-anak is Lelakaq concerning with the discussion of children habits. This kind of Lelakaq is generally talking about suggestion for the children, in which they are asked to do not waste their childhood period for doing a bad thing so that they will not regret it in the future time. The following is the Lelakaq anak-anak:
Bau paku leq sedin oloh
Jari kandoq mangan tengari
Pacu-pacu pade sekolah
Jari sango lemaq mudi
Lelakaq above depicts how parents or the old people in Sasak community worry about the children in wasting their school age. Considering the diction used in the Lelakaq above, it can be inferred that the words choice tends to be classified as a language used in daily conversation.
·      Lelakaq Bebajangan
Lelakaq bebajangan is a type of Lelakaq dealing with the whole aspect of the youngsters’ life. The youngsters, oftentimes, express their feelings through this kind of Lelakaq. Thus, the following is Lelakaq Bebajangan to be analyzed:
Talet bunge ariq leq bawaq bile
Taliq paku ariq siq penyalin
Munne mene ariq siq idap rase
Sarian aku bae ariq siq tekawin
The Lelakaq bebajangan shown above is well constructed. By considering the rhyme, this kind of Lelakaq implements a-b-a-b rhyme. Besides, the diction of this Lelakaq is totally correlated with the words choice within the communication activity among the youngsters of Sasak community. In term of content, it can be evaluated by understanding the meaning, in which the meaning of this Lelakaq refers to a boy who cannot help or cannot stand to hold his feeling to a girl. The boy, in this case, wants to marry the girl, as he loves that girl with his deepest heart.
·      Lelakaq Agama
Lelakaq agama is closely related to the religious side of Sasak people. This kind of lelakaq is mostly talking about the rule-life of Sasak people in term of doing their religious order. The data of Lelakaq Agama is as follows:
Bubut kerete dese lenek
Anak gagak kembang sandat
Idup mate urusan nenek
Endak lupak bace syahadat
The content of Lelakaq above refers to Sasak people, who are mostly believed in Islam, to not to forget that the most important thing for them is that keep staying in Islam religion. Life and die is none of human business, in which it is totally controlled by the almighty God that therefore through this Lelakaq, the message is conveyed.

The types of Lelakaq Sasak can be classified based on the use and the content of the Lelakaq itself. Lelakaq, in Sasak community, has a different function depending on its kind. The first type of the data mentioned is Lelakaq nasihat, which is used to counsel people. There are many aspects of life of Sasak people that can be used as the inspiration in creating this kind of Lelakaq. Yet, in this paper, Lelakaq nasihat is limited to discuss about the advice to not to ignore the obligation as a Moslem. The second type of Lelakaq is Lelakaq Anak-anak. This type of Lelakaq focuses on carrying the life aspect of children in Sasak community. Lelakaq anak-anak tends to be a form of Lelakaq nasihat. However, it is not similar to Lelakaq nasihat since it is pointing toward children. On the other word, Lelakaq anak-anak mentioned is obviously shown from the content addressed to the life of children. Besides, the Lelakaq nasihat is for all people in Sasak community without any specific age. The third type of the data of Lelakaq above refers to Lelakaq bebajangan, which deals with the aspect of life of the youngsters. Therefore, the content of this Lelakaq is mostly talking about flattery.
All in all, considering to the rhyme of the data collection regarding the various kinds of Lelakaq above, they are all deal with a-b a-b, as mentioned in the previous discussion that the first and the third lines deal with the same rhyme, and the second line has the same rhyme as the fourth line. Furthermore, the only contributing aspect to be considered to differ and determine the kind of Lelakaq refers to the content intended to convey, in which the content of Lelakaq is in the second two lines.

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